term 2 Integrated topic: Change is everywhere

I am learning to express my understanding of Change
Teacher instruction: Make or draw something to show me what you know about change
Teacher question: What have you made/drawn to show me what you know about change?
                        At the beginning (before teaching):  

                        In the middle (part-way through teaching):
Student reflection
Then- I thought..... change meant swapping things.

Now - I know..... change is good. Trees change they start as a seed then change to a twig, then a tree.

Term 2 writing sample

I am learning to:
1. Make my writing interesting by using describing words
2. Attempt to use capital letters and full-stops by myself

Success criteria:
I will know I can successfully do this when my writing shows
1. One or more Adjectives that match my picture
  • A capital letter at the start of my story and at the beginning of each new sentence.
  •  A full-stop at the end of each of my ideas and at the end of my story.

Next steps:
1. Continue to add my detail to my story to make it more interesting for the reader.
2. Attempt to use other forms of punctuation such as commas and exclamation marks.

Student comment:
I am good at putting fullstops.
I could work on spelling good words and don't repeat words.

Term 2 strand maths: Statistics

I am learning to:
Make statements about a data display

Success Criteria:
I will know I can do this when I can
  • Correctly say one or more things about a display of data on a pictogram e.g
  • "The most popular eye colour in Room 15 is blue"

Student Comment:
There’s lots of fruits and if you count all of them there would be a bigger number than 20, I think there would be 100. If there was grapes and people see grapes and think they were berries you put the name of the fruit on the bottom.